An 8-page zine full of microfiction, sometimes amusing, sometimes creepy. People living in walls. Tattoos that come to life. Words, words, words.

Oh, and pictures!

Design by AJ Summers.

Created using ELECTRIC ZINE MAKER and HTML5 Reader for Electric Zine Maker.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorMichael Van Vleet
Tagselectric-potato, Horror, microfiction, zine


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Undrinkable - Michael Van Vleet [BOOK].pdf 3 MB
Undrinkable - Michael Van Vleet [ZINE - LTR].pdf 3.2 MB


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Bite-sized treats of surreal horror-comedy set to somewhat more traditional horror imagery. Very much "my thing", was a delight to read!


but what if there are two pharmacies in town but Hell Door is in the bakery


[scribbles furiously in a notepad labeled SMALL TOWN HELL] uh huh, uh huh, got it

(I'm afraid to understand that your town is full of Hell Door on every corner)

I have a running theory that each of us carry the Hell Door within ourselves and only at our lowest point to we find the key to opening it, but it's going to take visiting more small towns and interviewing more people after nightfall to be sure


Well, one needs to investigate (and it won't be me). Good luck!